MPLP '2016

MPLP '2016

Modern Problems of Laser Physics 2016

Registration fees and Payment

CategoryRegistration fee

(beforehand via a bank transfer or on-site)
Regular€ 430
Student*€ 200
Accompanying person€ 150

* Students and PhD students must be ready to show student cards or other confirming documents.

Please, note that we can take payment from you only in rubles, if you pay on-site. You should exchange euros or dollars beforehand. You will be offered also to pay via a bank card (VISA or MasterCard).

P a y m e n t

Before the beginning of the symposium the registration fee’s payment can be implemented only by a bank transfer. The information about the bank transfer is posted below.


Bank transfer must be in Euros. Please, note that you should pay a registration fee plus commission of your bank. So, the Organizers should get the full amount of the fee: € 150, € 200, € 370 or € 430 depending on a status of participant (see table above).

Account details for the bank transfer are as follows:


Intermediary Bank:




Bank of Beneficiary:

Public Joint-Stock Company «Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation», Moscow,  Russia


For Novosibirsk Branch


Beneficiary Name: Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

Beneficiary Address: Lavrentyev avenue 13/3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Account No.:  40503978600001000005


It is obligatory to indicate a purpose of your payment:

“Registration fee for MPLP-2016 from ” *

*For example: “Registration fee for MPLP-2016 from Alexander Ivanov, Institute of Laser Physics, Moscow

Просьба российским участникам обращаться с вопросами к научному секретарю Симпозиума (по поводу надлежащего оформления документов за оргвзнос и т.д.).